Employee Spotlight: Alura Romero

Alura Romero

This month we are highlighting Alura Romero, who serves as a Communications Specialist for one of our clients. Alura has been with Catalina since February 2023, and frequently earns rave reviews from everyone she works with. We learned some new facts about her during this interview, and we hope you do, too!

What was your career path leading up to joining Catalina Associates?

Before Catalina Associates, I was a public affairs specialist with the Federal Gov’t. Before that I had a ton of PR internships. I’ve always known I wanted to work in Public Relations or Strategic Communications of some form (you can thank Samantha Jones from Sex and the City for that!)

How has your role evolved since you joined the team?

Oh, man. It’s evolved so much! While I was stifled in what I was able to create before (being a federal employee), I now have the creative autonomy that I craved. I’ve learned so many new skills and have really been challenged in my role with Catalina.

What do you think is the most important skill you have that allows you to be successful in your career?

The Gift of Gab. (is that still a phrase?) I think being able to network and truly communicate in all facets is something that can’t be taught. It’s what made me want to go into PR. Being able to build successful relationships with the client and their team, as well as with Catalina and the team here is truly the most beneficial skill I have. Networking is worth its weight in gold.

Describe an interesting hobby or pastime that you have.

Sleeping. JK. I love Hot Yoga. I try to go at least once a week. Being able to quiet my mind and really focus on the correct postures WHILE I’m sweating profusely is therapeutic for me.

What is something surprising that not many people know about you?

I played percussion (drums) throughout middle school and some of high school. I was really good. During our town Christmas Parade, I played the big bass drum for a couple miles with the school band. It was awesome!

If you weren’t in your current job/career, what would you be doing?

I would probably be the Store Manager of a Nordstrom. (When I die, bury me at a Nordstrom!) Minus the iffy hours and occasional terrible person or shoplifter, I really liked working in retail.

What is a cause that you are passionate about?

Moms! When I lived in Alexandria I started volunteering for the Napkin Network, an organization that originally started during the pandemic to give diapers to moms in need, and then formula during the big formula shortage of 2022. I was a “drop off,” and people would drop donations off at my house for me to collect for the organization. I’m still continuing this work even though I don’t live in Alexandria anymore.

“It’s difficult for Alura’s bright spirit and attitude to go unnoticed. I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “This person lights up the room”?. Well, it’s true. We see it in Alura every day. Alura, thank you for your hard work, constant flexibility, and putting clients at ease. You’re a pleasure to work with, and we appreciate all you do!” – Tammi, CEO.

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